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Title Health and Migration : Bridging the Gap
Author(s) IOM, WHO and CDC - Personal Name
Subject Global Health Development
Publisher IOM
Publishing Year 2005
Specific Detail Info Migration is a fact of modern life, and migrants play an essential role in today’s global economy. As migration flows around the world increase, the health of mobile populations and the societies with which they are affiliated is becoming a major public concern. Yet, to date there has only been limited recognition of the interdependence between the two in either the migration or the public health policy domains. As migrants connect health environments, migrant health has become a critical element of migration policy and needs to be integrated into migration management strategies, for the benefit of individuals and societies alike. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) organized a Seminar on Health and Migration in Geneva from 9 to 11 June 2004, as an inter-session workshop of the IOM Council International Dialogue on Migration, with the co-sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This Seminar brought together health and migration officials to exchange views on health and migration policy concerns, with particular focus on the public health implications of increasingly mobile populations. It provided a forum for policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders from governments, intergovernmental agencies and non-governmental organizations to exchange perspectives and experiences and to engage in informal dialogue.
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