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Title Governance beyond governments: the role of NGOs in the implementation of the FCTC
Author(s) Michael Sparks - Personal Name
Subject Global Health Development
Publisher Sage Publications
Publishing Year 2010
Specific Detail Info The implementation of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) has seen increased participation of a range of new players in the governance of this, the world’s first global public health treaty. While much research is conducted into the efficacy of activities to influence tobacco use (and other critically important aspects of tobacco control), there is not a correspondingly high level of research activity targeting an understanding of what the FCTC process means from a global governance perspective. This paper notes the critical level of NGO participation in the implementation of the FCTC with implicit implications for the ongoing governance of the treaty. It is posited that understanding the role of NGOs in the FCTC’s governance structures will contribute to a better understanding of the global governance issues arising from the Framework.
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