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Title Implementation of DRG Payment in France: Issues and recent developments
Author(s) Zeynep Or - Personal Name
Subject Health System and Policy
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Year 2014
Specific Detail Info In France, a DRG-based payment system was introduced in 2004/2005 for funding acute services in all hospitals with the objectives of improving hospital efficiency, transparency and fairness in payments to public and private hospitals. Despite the initial consensus on thenecessity of the reform, providers have become increasingly critical of the system because ofthe problems encountered during the implementation. In 2012 the government announcedits intention to modify the payment model to better deal with its adverse effects.The paper reports on the issues raised by the DRG-based payment in the French hospi-tal sector and provides an overview of the main problems with the French DRG paymentmodel. It also summarises the evidence on its impact and presents recent developmentsfor reforming the current model. DRG-based payment addressed some of the chronic problems inherent in the French hospital market and improved accountability and productivity of health-care facilities. However, it has also created new problems for controlling hospital activity and ensuring that care provided is medically appropriate. In order to alter its adverse effects the French DRG model needs to better align greater efficiency with the objectives of better quality and effectiveness of care.
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