Case studies on social determinants of health

The following case studies were commissioned by WHO Regional Offices for the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health. The case studies present successful examples of policy action aiming to reduce health inequities, covering a wide range of issues, including conditional cash transfers, gender-based violence, tuberculosis programmes and maternal and child health.

The case studies were written by individual experts and are being circulated as draft background papers to inform discussions at the conference. They represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views, policies, or decisions of WHO or the governments of the countries where the case studies are set.

  1. Brazil (pdf, 978kb)
    The Brazilian experience with conditional cash transfers: a successful way to reduce inequity and to improve health
  2. United States of America (pdf, 1.05Mb)
    How can we get the 'social determinants of health' message on the public policy and public health agenda?
  3. Solomon Islands (pdf, 836kb)
    Gender-based violence in Solomon Islands: Translating research into action on the social determinants of health
  4. Republic of Kiribati (pdf, 831kb)
    Measuring and responding to gender-based violence in the Pacific: Action on gender inequality as a social determinant of health
  5. Viet Nam (pdf, 937kb)
    Gender-based violence in Viet Nam: Strengthening the response by measuring and acting on social determinants of health
  6. Australia (pdf, 1.23Mb)
    Health in All Policies: South Australia's country case study on action on the social determinants of health
  7. WHO Western Pacific region (pdf, 891kb)
    Addressing social determinants of health through tuberculosis control programmes in Western Pacific Region
  8. Malaysia (pdf, 1.47Mb)
    Health in All Policies: The Primary Health Care Approach in Malaysia. 50 years experience in addressing social determinants of health through Intersectoral Action for Health
  9. India (pdf, 888kb)
    India's country experience in addressing social exclusion in maternal and child health
  10. India (pdf, 771kb)
    Effective social determinants of health approach in India through community mobilization
  11. Thailand (pdf, 915kb)
    Health systems, public health programmes and social determinants of health
  12. Egypt (pdf, 819kb)
    Social participation in Egypt: Civil society's former experience and new opportunities
  13. Morocco (pdf, 761kb)
    Social determinants and health equity in Morocco
  14. United States of America (pdf, 764kb)
    A national partnership for action to end health disparities in the United States of America
  15. Australia (pdf, 732kb)
    Supporting public policy and action on the social determinants of health by providing evidence through the Social Health Atlases of Australia
  16. Cambodia (pdf, 776kb)
    Gender as a social determinant of health: Gender analysis of the health sector in Cambodia
  17. WHO Western Pacific region (pdf, 1.11Mb)
    Gender mainstreaming in emerging disease surveillance and response
  18. Iran (pdf, 845kb)
    School Pupil Policy Officer (Hamyare Police) - A national initiative based on social participation to improve road safety
  19. Jordan (pdf, 666kb)
    National commitment to action on social determinants of health in Jordan: Addressing obesity
  20. Namibia (pdf, 2.46Mb)
    Report on country experience: A multi-sectoral response to combat the polio outbreak in Namibia
  21. Rwanda (pdf, 1.75Mb)
    Community performance-based financing in health: Incentivizing mothers and community health workers to improve maternal health outcomes in Rwanda
  22. Uganda (pdf, 718kb)
    Social determinants of health: Food fortification to reduce micronutrient deficiency in Uganda - Strengthening the National Food Fortification Programm
  23. Kenya (pdf, 2.01Mb)
    The national deworming programme: Kenya's experience
  24. Zimbabwe (pdf, 857kb)
    Intersectoral actions in response to cholera in Zimbabwe: From emergency response to institution building
  25. Brazil (pdf, 2.01Mb)
    The Green Area of Morro da Policia: Health practitioners working with communities to tackle the social determinants of health
  26. Chile (pdf, 1.74Mb)
    Steps towards the health equity agenda in Chile
  27. Pakistan (pdf, 1.03Mb)
    Heartfile Health Financing: Striving to achieve health equity in Pakistan


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Silahkan klik berdasarkan penerbit atau pengarangnya di bawah ini:

  1. Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro MSc PhD
  2. World Health Organization/PAH), SEAMEO dll
  3. Bank Dunia
  5. Penerbit lain-lain



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Pemahaman mengenai Teori Kebijakan ( Bab I ) Buku karangan Buse dkk.

Pemahaman mengenai Evidence Based Policy dalam bentuk Power-point

Abstract menarik tentang Evidence Informed Policy

 Desentralisasi Kesehatan 2007 - Laksono Trisnantoro

 Social Determinants Of Health