Modul 2.A.1. Karakteristik Health Policy and System Research
dan Policy Research


merupakan Modul ini membahas isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan antara lain tentang pembiayaan, pengorganisasian, penyelenggaraan dan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan serta bagaimana menetapkan prioritas, menyusun, dan mengimplementasikan kebijakan kesehatan. Pembahasan tersebut menjadi pengantar untuk memahamkan akan karakteristik Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan.

  Tujuan pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari karakteristik Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan, diharapkan:

  1. Peserta mengetahui karakteristik Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan.
  2. Membantu para peserta untuk menyiapkan tema atau topik yang akan diajukan dalam penyusunan proposal penelitian sesuai dengan lingkup, batasan dan karakter Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan, atau menggunakan batasan Riset Kebijakan 


Dalam Hand-out ini harap dicermati dua definisi mengenai:

  1. Health Policy and Systems Research; dan
  2. Policy Research.

Definisi pertama berasal banyak dari buku Lucy Gilson sementara definisi kedua berasal dari buku-buku yang membahas kebijakan dari ilmu-ilmu sosial. Sangat menarik untuk membandingkan kedua definisi tersebut.

1. Definisi HPSR

Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is defined as a Field

... that seeks to understand and improve how societies organize themselves in achieving collective health goals, and how different actors interact in the policy and implementation processes to contribute to policy outcomes. By nature, it is interdisciplinary, a blend of economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, public health and epidemiology that together draw a comprehensive picture of how health systems respond and adapt to health policies, and how health policies can shape − and be shaped by − health systems and the broader determinants of health. (Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, 2011.)

Dari definisi tersebut kita dapat menemukan karakteristik penting dalam HSPR antara lain :

  1. HSPR is a multidisciplinary research field, distinguished by the issues and questions addressed through the research rather than by a particular disciplinary base or set of methods;
  2. includes research that focuses on health services as well as on the promotion of health in general;
  3. includes concern for global and international issues as well as national and sub-national issues, as global forces and agencies have important influences over health systems in low- and middle-income countries; encompasses research on or of policy, which means that it is concerned with how policies are developed and implemented and the influence that policy actors have over policy outcomes – it addresses the politics of health systems and health system strengthening;
  4. promotes work that explicitly seeks to influence policy, that is, research for policy.

An integrated approach

Importantly, HPSR brings together health policy and organizational dynamics of health systems, which is a health systems work into one research field, as there are critical and often overlooked element of health four linkages between these apparently separate areas of system functioning. work, as listed below.

  1. Health policies can be seen as the purposeful and of work – health policy and health systems – overlap. Deliberate actions through which efforts are made to. Together they provide the knowledge base relevant to strengthen health systems in order to promote strengthen health systems whilst also showing how population health. knowledge and other .forms of power together influence
  2. Health policy actions must not only be informed by policy decision-making. In these ways, HPSR work always an understanding of the current dynamics of health seeks to be policy relevant.system functioning and performance, but are also sustained, or undermined, by whether and how theyfind expression in the health system.
  3. A better understanding of the politics of health policy change, the actors and interests driving the processes through which policies are developed and implemented, contributes to understanding how to influence policy and take action to strengthen health system.
  4. A spesific focus on implementation allows for and requires a better understanding of the organizational dynamics of health systems, which is a critical and often overlooked element of health system functioning.

Perlu diperhatikan bahwa dalam aplikasinya ada dua area kerja yang berbeda dalam riset kebijakan dan sistem kesehatan atau HSPR yaitu – (1) kebijakan kesehatan (health policy) dan (2) health systems – yang akan beririsan dan tumpang tindih, namun keduanya saling berinteraksi bersama dalam proses penetapan kebijakan (policy decision-making).

Point-point penting:

Features that define HSPR :

  • The types of issues it addresses HPSR investigates issues such as: how health care is financed, organized, delivered and used; how health policies are prioritized, developed and implemented; and how and why health systems do or do not generatehealth and wider social goals
  • the fact that it seeks to address real-world situations and issues
  •  it is multidisciplinary, drawing on methods and perspectives from a range of disciplines It brings together health policy and health systems work into one integrated field. This combined focus on health policy and health systems issues provides a strong basis for identifying what can be done to:
  • strengthen health systems so they can better achieve their health and broader social goals; and
  •  ensure that the related research is applied research that has the potential to support the implementation of health policies and health system development.

Elements in HSPR :

Four central elements in HPSR are:

  • Health systems
  • Health policy
  • Health system development or strengthening
  • Health policy analysis.

The issues related to each of these elements can be understood through a range of definitions, concepts and frameworks, which also help to generate relevant and appropriately framed research questions. Such frameworks allow us to understand the various elements, characteristics and dimensions of a health system; and to identify the different connections and interrelationships within a health system that need to be considered in order to strengthen them. New health policies represent efforts to introduce deliberate and purposeful change within health systems. deas and concepts related to policy and the analysis of such policy are an important part of HPSR. In seeking to support better policy implementation, it is critical that we understand the factors that influence policy outcomes. Through understanding the nature of policy and the processes of policy change, we gain new insights that help to explain how health system actors, and the relationships of power and trust among them, influence health system performance.

2. Definisi Policy Research

(Source :Methods For Policy Research : Applied Social Research Methods Series ; v.3), Ann Majchrzak. Sage Publications : Newbury Park, London, New Delhi, 1984)

Policy Research, therefore, is defined as the process of conducting research on, or analysis of, a fundamental social problem in order to provide policymakers with pragmatic, action-oriented recomendations for alleviating the problem. Policy research is unique in focusing on action-oriented recommendations to fundamental social problem. Figure 1. presents a simplified typology of different research procesess.

Berdasarkan gambar tersebut terlihat bahwa policy research memiliki tingkat orientasi aksi (Action-Orientation) yang tinggi atau strategis serta lebih berfokus pada masalah - masalah sosial fundamental.

Characteristics of Policy Research Studies :

  1. Multi dimensional in focus
  2. Uses an empirico-inductive research orientation
  3. Incorporates the future as well as the past
  4. Respond to study users
  5. Explicity incorporates values


Lucy Gilson, ed. (2012). Health Policy and Systems Research: A Methodology Reader
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization

Ann Majchrzak. Methods For Policy Research : Applied Social Research Methods Series ; v.3),. Sage Publications : Newbury Park, London, New Delhi



Dengan mengacu pada definisi dan beberapa karakteristik Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan

  1. Jelaskan usulan topik atau tema proposal penelitian yang anda ajukan memiliki keterkaitan dengan Riset Kebijakan dan Sistem Kesehatan.
  2. Ataukah anda cenderung menggunakan definisi Policy Research?

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