COVID-19 Medical Device Regulatory Convergence Project (Indonesia)

Webinar on Good Regulatory Practices and Medical Device Regulation

Good regulatory practices (GRPs) include formalized, mandatory principles and practices by which regulatory authorities develop technical regulations for all regulated sectors, aligned with international standards. They are, in essence, a quality control mechanism that provide a benchmark for developing and implementing highest quality, cost-effective and efficient regulatory oversight. Unsurprisingly, the medical device sector is one of the most regulated sectors globally, given the diverse range of products; challenges in accurately determining safety, efficacy, and quality; complexities in production, distribution, and surveillance; and impact on health of citizens. It is therefore critical that government agencies and authorities responsible for the oversight of the medical device industry adhere to GRPs that are grounded on sound legal frameworks and international norms and standards.

This two-part webinar, held in partnership with the Government of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University, will focus on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) agreement and legal obligations as it relates to GRPs and Indonesia’s national commitments, global frameworks for medical device regulations, and best practices on management of safety and efficacy of medical devices.

The webinar is part of the COVID-19 Medical Device Regulatory Convergence Project (MDRC), a U.S. government-funded public-private partnership, between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), in collaboration with the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed). The MDRC’s mission is to advance regulatory convergence with key global partners, in partnership with standards developing organizations, as well as national and regional health and regulatory authorities.

The two-part webinar will be held the mornings of 15 and 22 June 2022


Webinar 1: Global Trends in Good Regulatory Practice

Wednesday, 15 June 2022 – 0900 to 1100 Indonesia time (GMT +7)

Time Session
09:00 – 09:10

Opening Remarks by Dr. Lucia Rizka Andalusia, Director General of Pharmaceutical Services & Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Introduction by Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro, Special Advisor to Indonesia’s Minister of Health for Resilience of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries

09:10-09:15 Introductory Remarks by Steven Bipes, Vice President AdvaMed and MDRC Project Lead, on the MDRC, and the utility of international standards / guidance in the medical device sector, including its immediate benefits in the midst of COVID-19, and to building long-term resilience in the national health systems for future pandemics and health crises.
09:15 – 10:05

Panel: Overview of Good Regulatory Practices and Standards

Moderator:  Mugant Mehanathan, MDRC Lead, Southeast Asia, Crowell & Moring International


  • Renata Amaral, GRP Lead, MDRC
  • Konny Sagala, Director of System for Standards and Conformity Assessment Implementation, BSN Indonesia
  • Renee Hancher, GRP Lead, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
10:05 – 10:55

Panel: Global Frameworks for Regulation of Medical Devices

Moderator:  Janet Trunzo, Senior Executive Vice President, AdvaMed and  Chair, Global Medical Technology Alliance Regulatory Working Group


  • Agnes Sitta Kijo, Technical Officer, World Health Organization
  • Wong Woei Jiuang, Assistant Group Director, Medical Devices Cluster, Health Products Regulation Group, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
  • Sodikin Sadek, Director of Production and Distribution of Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
10:55 – 11:00 Closing Remarks by Mugant Mehanathan, MDRC Lead, Southeast Asia, Crowell & Moring International