International Webinar

Managing Pandemic, Saving Lives and Hospitals

In collaboration with University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
in Italy Medical Systems

Friday, 23rd April 2021
1.30 – 3.00 PM (Western Indonesia Time)


  • Italy was one of the first countries that declare pandemic and has many cases in the beginning of 2020, impacting the hospitals to do the surge capacity strategy.
  • At beginning 2021, they had flattening curve new cases and the hospitals beginning to do back to normal.
  • Based on the cases found, Indonesia is in the Peak Phase, and with the massive vaccination program, starting to flatten also. On predictions, the hospitals has to think some strategies like recovering the non COVID-19 cases as well as serving COVID-19 related services and vaccination program.


  • Compare the pandemic management between Italy and Indonesia.
  • Benchmark how the hospitals in Italy navigating the strategy and operational management.
  • Discuss the update trends and relevant issues on COVID-19 care and diagnostic.


  1. Bappenas (Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia)
  2. Ministry of Health; i.e. Crisis Center, Directorate of Health Service
  3. Knowledge Sector Initiatives and COVID-19 Management Consortium
  4. Hospital Association Committees
  5. Hospital managers and staffs
  6. Lectures and Students of Magister of Hospital Management/Administration Program
  7. Researchers in Health System field


Friday, 23rd April 2021
1.30 – 3.00 PM (Western Indonesia Time)

link zoom

Meeting ID 830 2488 6605
Passcode 234567
Youtube channel: 

Jointly organized by: 

  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Italy
  • Indonesia Hospital Association
  • National Hospital
Topics Durations Resources
Opening Remarks 15 minutes

Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc, PhD
Special Staff for Health Minister of Rep Indonesia


Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, MKes, MAS (Director of Center for Health Policy and Management, UGM)

UPMC in Italy Background    
Pandemic in Italy; the background and update 10 minutes Dr. Giovanna Panarello (Chief of ISMETT’s Intensive Care Unit) – Epidemiology and Health policy expert of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Italy
How UPMC in Italy managing during Pandemic 15 minutes

Dr. Giovanna Panarello (Chief of ISMETT’s Intensive Care Unit) – Epidemiology and Health policy expert of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Italy

How Indonesian hospitals learn from Pandemic: 25 minutes  

How public and private hospital survive from Pandemic: balancing Covid-19 and Non Covid- 19 health care to maintain hospital operating revenue

7 minutes

Dr Dicky Fachri, SpBTKV (Harapan Kita Cardiology Hospital) – Public Hospital Perspective

7 minutes Adj. Prof. Hananiel Prakasya Widjaya (National Hospital, Surabaya) – Private Hospital Perspective

Indonesian Hospital Resilience during pandemic: a lesson learnt

6 minutes dr. Wasista Budiwaluyo, MHA – Indonesia Hospital Association

Managing healthcare capacity, a lesson learnt from covid pandemic

5 minutes Center for Health Policy and Management, UGM
Q and A Moderator 35 minutes
Take home messages and closing remarks 5 minutes Moderator



Anindito (National Hospital, Surabaya) Phone: +62 856-4829-1775
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Registration and technical support Maria Lelyana
Telp. 0274-549425 / 0811250983
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.