Mitigasi Perubahan Cuaca dan Kebijakan Adaptasi di sektor kesehatan

Sedang berlangsung Workshop mengenai "Mitigasi Perubahan Cuaca dan Kebijakan Adaptasi di sektor kesehatan". ("Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies - in the health sector"). Workshop diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21-25 januari 2013.

Kegiatan dilangsungkan di Unit Epidemiology and global health research, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. Pembaca web site ini dapat mengikuti acara ini melalui laporan harian mulai hari Selasa minggu depan.

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Presentation by


10:00 – 12:00  

CC-MAP in short

Decision making structures for the health sector

• The case of Indonesia
• The case of Sweden

Policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the health sector, including policies for eHealth

• The case of Indonesia
• The case of Sweden

Dr Maria Nilsson


Prof Laksono Trisnantoro
Dr Maria Nilsson



Prof Hari Kusnanto
Dr Maria Nilsson

13:00 – 16:00

Impacts from climate change on human                 health in Sweden and Indonesia

The environmental plan of Västerbotten County Council - An overview and presentation of chosen strategies

Dr Joacim Rocklöv and
Prof Hari Kusnanto

Coordinator Susanne Bergström


10:00 – 12:00

The regional energy- and climate strategy of the County Administrative Board of västerbotten

Climate change and eHealth: a strategy for health sector mitigation and adaptation followed by a discussion

Coordinator Tina Holmlund


Dr Åsa Holmner and
Dr Lutfan Lazuardi

13:00 – 16:00

Cardiac echo consultation on distance Telemedicine in Northern Sweden

Kurt Boman, Mona Olofsson
Thomas Molen and Göran Algers 


10.00 – 12.00

Discussion on experiences developing eHealth identifying key points for policy development

13:00 – 15:00

Remote on-call doctors and consultations Check -up

Johan Skönevik and
Leif Nyström


09.00 – 16.00

Excursion, social activity


10.00 – 12.00  


Norrland University Hospital

13:00 – 15:00

Concluding discussion