PAHO/WHO KMC Seminar Series:

" eHealth in the Americas "


The Member States of the Pan American Health Organization approved in 2011, the implementation of a Regional eHealth Strategy and Plan of Action to all the countries in the Americas Region. One of the key elements of the strategy is knowledge and information sharing among member states and stakeholders.

The proposed KMC Seminar series on eHealth aim at contributing to this important debate by bringing different themes of relevance and key players working on eHealth globally to ensure knowledge sharing among people and institutions and convergence in the implementation of eHealth National Strategies and plan of actions; and also to inform public health stakeholders and other decision makers in the health sector, to better take part in the debate.

Seminar Nº1: eHealth and The Rockefeller Foundation Experience and Vision

By Karl Brown, Associate Director, Applied Technology at Rockefeller Foundation

Karl Brown joined the Rockefeller Foundation in 2006. As Associate Director of Applied Technology, Brown is focused on the application of information technology to the programmatic work of the foundation. He is working on exploring and nurturing imaginative uses of technology by Rockefeller grantees, and improving collaboration and knowledge management within the Foundation.

Prior to joining the Rockefeller Foundation, Brown worked as the Chief Technical Officer of GNVC, an NGO that fostered entrepreneurship in Ghana . Previously, Brown was a technical team lead with Trilogy, where he developed and deployed enterprise systems and consumer-facing websites for Fortune 500 companies such as Ford and Nissan. Brown received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia 's School of International and Public Affairs.

When            : Friday October 5th. 2012
Language     : English
Time             : 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm - EST ( Washington , DC USA ) To check your time zone, see the World Clock

Virtual room :



Welcome Remarks - Marcelo D’Agostino KMC Area Manager PAHO/WHO


eHealth and The Rockefeller Foundation Experience and Vision
Karl Brown, Associate Director, Applied Technology at Rockefeller Foundation


Comments, Questions & Answers
Moderator: PAHO/WHO


Concluding Remarks :
Marcelo D’Agostino KMC Area Manager PAHO/WHO

To participate online:

To login to the Virtual session, use the link below and type your name on the sign in page:


Related material:

PAHO/WHO eHealth portal:

CD51/13 — PAHO/WHO Strategy and Plan of Action on eHealth
CD51/13 — OPS/OMS Estrategia y Plan de acción sobre eSalud
CD51/13 — OPAS/OMS Estratégia e Plano de Ação para eSaúde
CD51/13 -- OPS/OMS Stratégie et Plan d'action sur la cybersanté

Additional information:

·  The KMC Seminar series will happen every two months
·  All Seminars will be life-streamed, and opened for participation via Elluminate, or via telephone line.
·  For those who cannot follow the live seminar, we will have the recordings and presentations available at