Bacaan Baru - 20 Agustus 2013
Dalam minggu ini, kami pilihkan berbagai artikel terkait dengan pelayanan primer. Silahkan klik pada ikon bacaan baru berikut ini:
Viewpoints about collaboration between primary care and public health in Canada
Noori Akhtar-Danesh, Ruta Valaitis, Linda O¿Mara, Patricia Austin, Val Munroe BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:311 (14 August 2013) |
Shared decision making for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial in primary care
Megan E Branda, Annie LeBlanc, Nilay D Shah, Kristina Tiedje, Kari Ruud, Holly van Houten, Laurie Pencille, Marge Kurland, Barbara Yawn, Victor M Montori BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:301 (8 August 2013) |
Care pathways across the primary-hospital care continuum: using the multi-level framework in explaining care coordination
Sabine Van Houdt, Jan Heyrman, Kris Vanhaecht, Walter Sermeus, Jan De Lepeleire BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:296 (6 August 2013) |
Planning for interprofessional change in primary health care: exploring the use of the Interprofessional Resource Centre
Patterson C, Arthur H, Peachey G, Vohra J, Price D, Pearson D, Mariani R Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2013, 4:117-125. 14 May 2013 |